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Home Leaky Gut Quiz

Leaky Gut Quiz

Leaky Gut Syndrome Quiz

This questionnaire has been reprinted from Dr. Elizabeth Lipski’s book, Leaky Gut Syndrome.
Circle the number that most closely fits, then add up your results.
0 = Symptom is not present or rarely present
1 = Mild/sometimes
2 = Moderate/often
3 = Sever/almost always


Constipation and/or diarrhea 0123

Abdominal pain or bloating 0123

Mucous or blood in stool 0123

Joint pain or swelling, arthriti 0123

Chronic or frequent fatigue or tiredness 0123

Food allergies, sensitivities or intolerance 0123

Sinus or nasal congestion 0123

Chronic or frequent inflammations 0123

Eczema, skin rashes or hives (urticaria) 0123

Asthma, hayfever, or airborne allergies 0123

Confusion, poor memory or mood swings 0123

Use of NSAIDS (Aspirin, Tylenol, Motrin) 0123

History of antibiotic use 0123

Alcohol consumption makes you feel sick 0123

Ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s or celiac’s disease 0123

YOUR TOTAL SCORE: _____________

Score 1-5: Leaky gut less apt to be present.

Score 6-10: Leaky gut may possibly be present.

Score 7-19: Leaky gut probably present.

Score 20+: Leaky gut almost certainly present.

Disclaimer: This should not be taken as a diagnosis. It is not intended to replace a physician’s care or an intestinal permeability test. However, if you score high on this self-test, seek a practitioner who is knowledgeable about leaky gut to help you.